Different Types of Cakes Which the San Luis Obispo Catering Can Make Like the Bakeries

Many people love to have varieties of cakes which are generally prepared by good bakeries. You can try out different flavors of the cakes when you visit a famous bakery and then decide which you can buy for your family members. San Luis Obispo Catering also have the expertise level to make different kinds of cakes which are made by the bakeries if you want to have the same taste at your home or at your house party too. Suppose you have a birthday, you can give the order of making exactly same cake which is made by the bakeries to the catering service you have hired for the party.

Other than cakes there are many other types of items which the bakeries make like a large variety of breads, brownies, bagels, different flavors of biscuits and also cookies. Other items apart from sweet dish are also available at the bakeries. Bakery in San Luis Obispo serves different types of items and also a large variety too. Make sure that the products are fresh out of the oven or else it is a wise decision to skip that bakery and look for others in the same locality.

If you love to have cakes, here is a list of the different types of cakes which the bakeries can serve you when you visit them.

Layer Cakes

Layer cakes are most classic cakes which are available in almost every bakery item. Layer cakes can be made of different types of flavors stating from red velvet to chocolate and also carrot cake can be made with a number of layers. In fact you can also make it of different numbers of layers be it 2, 3 or more layers. Layers of the cake can be of different flavors instead of the same flavor. There are a variety of methods which can use to make the layer cake. You can also bake this cake at your home easily by following some simple steps and make all your family members happy.

Low Flour Cakes

Flourless or low flour cakes are a variety of sponge or foam cakes which are made by every well known bakery in your locality. The main ingredient which is used to bake this type of cake is egg and it cannot be possible to make without this ingredient as well. Less quantity of flour is used to make this cake instead more quantities of eggs are used to enhance the taste. Different flavors can be added with the cake, like chocolate, fruity flavors, vanilla and strawberry. San Luis Obispo catering can add many more flavors according to your taste buds. They also add some amount of walnuts for garnishing which looks great at the same time.

Unbaked Cakes

Unbaked cakes are that type of confectionary products which require no baking. This category includes different kinds of dessert items like no bake cheesecake, ice cream cakes, and ice box cakes which do not require any kind of baking. Bakery in San Luis Obispo serve many flavors of no bake cakes like hot fudge ice cream cake and no bake lemon cheesecake. 


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