Top 5 Healthy Breads That You Should Buy from Bakery in San Luis Obispo

With time people are becoming extremely health conscious. Along with that, the threat of gluten allergy has made the bread of the bakery in San Luis Obispo untouchable to the health conscious people. The studies, however, have shown that some of the bread is healthy and people should consume them for a balanced diet. The experts think that the threat of gluten allergy has been overemphasized. As per the researchers, only one per cent of the entire population suffers from such allergies. For the rest of the population, bread can become a healthy choice of food. Check the following list to know which bread you should buy in the next supermarket trip.

Ezekiel Bread

This bread is made from the sprouted whole grain. The absence of added sugar also enhanced the health quotient of this bread. As the main ingredient of the loaves of bread, made at San Luis Obispo catering, is the whole sprouted grains, it is laden with vitamins and minerals. It also contains all 9 types of essential amino acids. All in all this type of bread help to fight diabetes reduces the cardiovascular risks and protect against fatty liver diseases.

Flaxseed Bread

Can you get omega-3 fatty acids from bread? Yes, you can.
The flaxseeds of the flaxseed bread provide with ample amount of omega-3 fatty acids which are only found in fish and fish oils. Researches have shown that regular intake of this type of bread can reduce the chances of cancer, diabetes and stroke and also slashes the risk of heart disease.

Rye Bread

The rye bread of the bakery in San Luis Obispo has been proved to be the real deal. It has been noticed by the researchers that rye bread reduces the hunger in the consumers significantly.

Oat Bread

The health benefits of oats are widely recognized all around the world. The cholesterol-lowering factor of the grain also helps to reduce colon cancer, digestive problems, diabetes and heart disease. This type of bread, which is baked at the San Luis Obispo catering, also helps to build muscle and provides a bevy of nutrients and vitamins.

Whole Wheat Bread

Whole wheat or the entire kernel of wheat is a great source of magnesium, manganese and dietary fibers. You just need to check that whether the pieces of bread are simple whole wheat or the 100% whole wheat type. Go for the 100% one for more health benefits.

Balanced food is the only way to provide the human body with proper nutrients. Bread is one such ingredient through which we can ingest some of the minerals and vitamins which our body needs every day. Don’t get lured by the glamour of the advertisement. Get a deeper knowledge about the bread you are buying and then make a knowledgeable decision. 


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