Tips To Buy a Fabulous Wedding Cake

It is true that the wedding cakes have gained a lot of undeserved attention over the years. However, it is still one of the most talked about item of any wedding event. If your big day is nearby, and you are obsessing over the quality of the cake; don’t. Here, we have gathered some of the most important things that you should do while shopping for the cake.

Choose The Cake After Making Style Decisions

Think, how the cake will look if it does not match the style of the venue and your wedding dress. It will stick out like a sore thumb. So, keeps the cake buying decision last in the long list of to-dos. First decide the dress, flower arrangements, and menu, and then think about the looks and taste of the cake. You don’t need to have a complete sketch of the venue in your hand, but a clear idea will help the baker to create the cake according to your demand. If you are going for a custom designed cake, then it is better to have the design in your hands while meeting the bakers of San Luis Obispo catering

wedding cake

Consider the Budget

Generally, the cost of the wedding cakes is decided on the number of slices. The price can vary from $3 to $30 (and more) per slice. The swinging colors of the cakes and the orange filling might floor you, but keeping the budget in mind will handle the situation nicely. Make your budget strict and choose the cake accordingly. For example, choose a single flavored cake, as more flavors means more money. Sugar flowers will also cost by per slice, and buttercream icing will cost less than the fondant one.

Think about the Space

Before deciding on the cake height, think about the space. If space is large, then ask the baker to add more columns or Styrofoam layers to increase the height of the cake. The bigger the spaces, the gander the cake should look. However, if space is small, then don’t go overboard with the height. It will make the place look too small and congested.     

This is your special day. So, you should think about what you want the most. Don’t give in to the pressure of others while deciding on the flavors of the cake. If you like vanilla, then that’s the flavor the cake should have. The same thing is true for every other aspect as well. Be confident, and order well.


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