San Luis Obispo Catering Tells You the Ways Your Wedding Cake Can Get Ruined

A wedding cake is one of the main attractions of any wedding. Most people order their wedding cake to San Luis Obispo catering hoping everything would be alright.

Well, you are wrong. The bakers of that bakery have told us ways, through which your wedding cakes can get ruined. If you are planning a wedding right now, then read this article to make your mind strong. One of these following mishaps can happen at your wedding as well.


In a wedding, hundreds, if not thousands, guests come. Now, it is impossible to know the history of each of the guest's food allergies. Now picture this; you are dancing with your partner, and one of the guests collapse due to an allergic reaction. Most of the time, such persons carry EpiPens. However, if this one does not have any such thing, then imagine the rest of the situation. Better be prepared, and do your research before your D-day.

Overcooked Fruit Cake

Even though bakers are professionals, mistakes can happen. The result of such mistakes can result in an overcooked fruit cake. The cake will not only be tasting bad, but it will also be breaking the jaws of you and your guests. However, you have to hack the cake before that. So, good luck!!

Damages during Transit

Traveling with a cake is even more dangerous than driving with a baby. You can secure the baby in a seat, but you can’t secure a cake. Apart from the obvious damage from the jerking and breaking, the icing can create a messy condition. So, better have your cake delivered the night before the wedding. At this time, the traffic would not be that much, and the damage will be minimal.


It is one of the most common phenomena. The tiered cake is one of the commonest victims of such problems. The baker has to solve the situation according to the level of the damage, which might not be that pleasing to your eyes.

Cracks in Icing

Cracks in the icing are one of the commonest problems that irritate the bakers. This problem can be solved easily with a bit of glycerin. To maintain the whiteness of the icing, you should use lemon juices.

So, these are some of the problems which cannot be avoided. If any such problems occur at your wedding, don’t get disheartened. It is after all just a cake. Take the problems in stride, and start creating memories.


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